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ghost in the mirror

T. Kilgore Splake

early morning pale light, shadows
disappearing, bright lumensense slowly
creeping, covering quilt, pillow bedroom

greybeard lover drifting, quitely dreamy
intoxication, sweet woman in love aromas,
electricity, naked spine curving embrace,

shrunken testicles bled dry, wrinkled
skinny bag, loose wet dribble ooze, old man
sudden sadness, reminded impossibility only
one life,

young woman, bathroom mirror reflection,
cupping plump breast, caressing pink nipple,
darker cerise areola,

momentarily lost in relentless tides,
lives, pilish ancestor's past dreaming of
beyond, leaving only world they knew,

continuous bloody rush carrying ovum,
sperm, birthing life, aborted fetus, sweat,
tears, flooding,

sunday vision, little girl pinkness like
baltic coral shell, vistual seashore holiday,
late spring blossom, dwor maz picnic,

early summer respite, keilbasas roasting,
pieogis simmering, brief pause in marzukas,
music and dancing, tawny distant sister, hair
golden as later autumn harvest.


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