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Jennifer's Feminist Poem
you can be a lesbian lapping
honeyed flesh-pit where warm clear lava
is like the goo of rolling worms, slop,
slapping tails like bull-whip snap: ah love,

is freedom what tastes sweet? or her, yr girlfriend, caught turning on a
spit of delicious moans, stripped & skinned alive above gorgeous flames
of yr volcanic

tongue, rawness burnt away but everything pink remains, boiled?
i've never met a genital who wasn't metaphoric right at my lips. most

human bodies taste good a couple years, then bland, nothing, not even
dead-musky. cunt or cock
or big toe or

tit, we
ripen as teens, sweeten in our 20's,
sour in 30's providing the mind works,
& in our 40's nobody even sniffs us.

breaking skin, love is spiritual fucking,
ghosts enmeshed like clouds & sun-shades somewhere in the past
& very far away.

(from the dual chapbook with paul weinman,
AIRY EL, From Da Dead Press)

"fuck that garble of intellectualized
depression, lady, take a hit of some this celestial dope..."

levy's face blow apart, rotting,
tip of golden pipette in a black, meat-ripped hole

"death is the mentalness,
debris remains of orgasm
this dream-soul Life created

this timelessness..."
sylvia is sizzling with happiness. she don't want flowers & the flowers
implode. she wants pain

& nothing is felt. she enjoys the works of d.a. levy from a british
distance. levy loves sylvia's
transparency & pink psychic energy.

they blend together in the hands of God
perfectly compatible

they blow smoke
mummy-like over History.


(for gabriele)

if you were here & how yr hair wld burn my fingers hoarse & gutteral
numbness unclogged like kitchen drain racing
hot water & our steam

this smoke i've clipped, sipping autumn-morning coffee, listening to
classical pbs radio, i suck yr face here all the way from chicago,
& yr smile & laugh

& when you bent to pick books from the floor
i saw cleavage & felt softness envelope my lips
i will admit this: i pulled diane's nightgown up bunched around her warm

i'd opened my eyes to 4:30 on the clock, she
usually wears panties but wasn't & i hugged & pressed & went thru her
arm to palm a little breast, & she groaned she didn't want to she

was sleeping, my cock was its biggest & thumping against her pillowy
ass, rubbing,
i cld not stop, both hands went down to grasp
my branch, & i pumped it like a delirioius tuba

which burst ice-bubbles of warmth
over my belly & the sheets & diane's wonderful wonderful ass & her
snoring never stopped.

but i got up,
dried off with a towel,
& thought
what a poem i live


she set me up.
i am a self-involved poet.
every sensory particle of life
creates the art of poetry as confessions
of a soul. the deeper inside the heart,
the rawness,
from the brim of sanity & reason.
she became a cowgirl since her father
is a cowboy, a middle-aged cowgirl
setting me up for years of free cash
via domestic relations.
heartless, brutal, cowgirl witch-bitch
is an apt description for all i want to
see of her.


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